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Research, Tools, and Guides

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Wellbeing Toolkit Conversation Guide

Use the Wellbeing Conversation Guide to better understand your residents, helping them feel more connected, secure, empowered, and respected with dignity and purpose.

TeamBirth Prenatal Booklet

The TeamBirth Prenatal Booklet is designed to introduce patients to TeamBirth as they prepare for labor and delivery. The booklet helps clinicians familiarize patients with TeamBirth concepts and begin building a foundation for collaboration and clear communication among all members of the care team. By engaging patients early, clinicians can help foster trust, ensure that patients… Continue reading TeamBirth Prenatal Booklet

BP Sawa Final Report

The Ariadne Labs | Penda Health partnership designed and piloted BP Sawa, a chronic care management program for Penda patients with hypertension with the goal to develop and implement a hypertension clinical pathway for clinicians and patients to improve hypertension outcomes.